Make a donation.

Help support the next generation of scholars.

It all begins with you. We appreciate your impact. Every little bit helps.

Welcome to the community.


Donation Guidelines

High Quality.

We are accepting books that can be described as New, Like New, and Very Good. It’s our goal to ensure that each scholar gets the best books possible for their very first library.

BIPOC Focus.

Though we want our scholars to receive a well-rounded collection of books for their starter library, we also understand the importance of books that connect our scholars to stories that mean the most to them.

Beginner Readers.

The majority of our scholars range in age from Pre-K to 3rd grade. We are accepting books for scholars that are just learning to read for the first time.

Book donations are currently Open.

Please send your donations to:

2 Massachusetts Ave N #77998
Washington DC 20013